Discovering A Chicago Dog in Washington, DC

     Chicago, Chicago a place I always loved to be.  Of all the things I love about Chicago, it  was the hot dogs.  It may be funny but true.  Although I loved seeing Harpo Studio and Lake Shore Drive , it was the Chicago dog that had the most lasting memories.  I heard so much about the hot dogs and they did not disappoint me.  That was many years ago.  But I still remember when I first bit into one.  It was close to heaven in a bun.

     Imagine my surprise when I met my sister at the Union Station Train Station in Washington, DC and discovered a new restaurant in the lower food court called "Bold Bites Burgers, Dogs and Fries".  I scanned the menu and saw - a Chicago dog listed - a large beef hot dog  on a poppy seed bun, with mustard, onions, green pickle relish, a dill pickle spear, tomatoes slices and a dash of celery salt.  After my sister's train  arrived from Connecticut I dragged her and my daughter to the restaurant to order.  Sadly they did not see my excitement. I was jumping with joy while they frowned in dismay.  However, they did ordered the fresh cut fries - one with chili and cheese and one with out.  Yours truly ordered the Chicago dog minus the mustard and relish with a order of hand cut fries.

     My hot dogs was more than delicious.  It was Chicago in DC.  The hot dog skin popped as my teeth carefully bit into it.  With each bite, I was tossed back to my visit to Chicago.  I could see all the skyscrapers and feel the cold icy wind licking on my face and nipping on my fingertips.  In the distance was the shore of lake Michigan.  I was renewed.  Boy I loved that Chicago dog and all the memories.   I can't wait to go back and have another one or two.  It was definitely finger licking good.  Kentucky Fried Chicken has nothing on that dog.   
