COVID-19 Shelter-In Place Potluck With Friends #Potluck #Shelterinplace #lunchwithfriends

I miss my lunches/brunches in the community with my friends.  It was so much fun discovering new restaurants laughing, telling stories, and, of course, drinking bottomless mimosas and/or champagne.  I know Uber and Lyft miss taking four drunken ladies to Judy's house.

I knew I had to be creative with this shelter in place or I would go crazy.  I could not let this virus keep the ladies from our monthly brunch.  Since April was my month to pick a restaurant, I hosted a Zoom potluck for my three friends.  I prepared the main entrée - a steak stir fry with carrots, snow peas, onions, red peppers, and pineapple.

The others prepared to show the side dishes of rice, salad, and cheese cake.  We made personal size portions to ensure there would not be a lot of waste.  In addition, we all had at least one bottle of champagne with beautiful champagne flutes. Judy, our late coffee drinker, also had coffee,

We ate, laughed, told stories of our adventures in sheltering, and drank plenty of champagne.  We really enjoyed ourselves.  After three hours, we hung up.  I walked up two flights of stairs and fell drunk in my bed with a smile on my face.  I am sure my three friends did the same.
